Electric ovens or industrial drying ovens are commonly used in daily life, industrial production, and school experiments. But do you know how the temperature control principle of an oven works? Today, I will briefly share how a carbon fiber heating tube oven achieves precise temperature control through several components.
Required Accessories:
- 3 pieces of 1000W fiber heating tubes
- Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) power regulator
- Temperature controller
- 220V AC contactor
- Fan
- Button switch
Operating Steps:
- Connect the Main Circuit:
- First, connect the main circuit. Connect the three heating tubes in parallel, then connect them to the SCR power regulator. After that, connect the circuit to the AC contactor. This forms the main circuit.
- Connect the Control Circuit:
- Next, start connecting the control circuit by wiring the temperature controller. The temperature controller includes a temperature control switch, which opens when the temperature reaches a high level and closes when the temperature drops below the high level or the lower limit. Generally, the controller has indicators for this. Connect this switch to the electromagnetic coil of the AC contactor. This way, the temperature upper and lower limits can control the main circuit’s power supply.
- Wiring the Forced Exhaust System:
- The temperature controller also has another switch that remains closed when the temperature exceeds the set point and opens when the temperature falls below the upper limit. This switch is also indicated on the controller. Connect the fan’s two wires to this indicator. Ensure that the fan is powered. If the fan has a high power rating, it may need to be controlled via the AC contactor. After wiring the circuit, you can test it yourself. First, set the upper and lower limits on the temperature controller. Once set, press the button switch. When the temperature reaches the upper limit, the temperature controller will cut off the power to the main circuit.
- Adjusting the Heating Rate:
- If the temperature rises too quickly during use, you can adjust the power of the heating tubes using the SCR to achieve fine-tuning of the power output. If you want to add a time control function, simply add a time relay to the circuit to achieve timed heating or timed power-off.
Important Reminder:
- If you are not a professional electrician or do not have the relevant professional knowledge, do not attempt to wire the circuit yourself to avoid accidents.
GlobalQT is a leading manufacturer of high-quality quartz tubes and heating solutions. For more information, visit our faqe interneti ose na kontaktoni në contact@globalquartztube.com.
Casper Peng është një kalitur ekspert në tub kuarci të industrisë. Me mbi dhjetë vjet përvojë pune, ai ka një njohjeje të thellë të aplikime të ndryshme prej kuarci materialet dhe njohuri të thellë në kuarc teknikat e përpunimit. Casper është ekspertizë në hartimin dhe prodhimin e kuarc tuba i lejon atij për të siguruar përshtatur zgjidhje që plotësojnë unike nevojat e konsumatorëve. Përmes Casper Peng profesionale artikuj, ne kemi për qëllim për të siguruar ju me të fundit të industrisë lajme dhe më praktike teknike udhëzon në rrugë për të ndihmuar të kuptoni më mirë dhe të shfrytëzojë tub kuarci të produkteve.
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