Functions of Quartz Tubes in Infrared Heating Elements

Infrared quartz heating elements are a new type of electric heating component that uses infrared radiation to heat objects. They are widely used in various heating, drying, and insulation equipment. Infrared quartz heating elements differ significantly from traditional metal wire heating elements. Traditional metal wire heating elements are non-vacuum tubes, whereas carbon fiber infrared heating elements are vacuum tubes, marking a fundamental distinction. But what exactly is a carbon fiber heating element?

As shown in the image above, the heating element consists of an outer quartz tube and an internal carbon fiber heating wire. The internal heating wire, as the name suggests, is used for heating. But what role does the outer quartz tube play?

First, let’s introduce the structure of the infrared quartz heating element. Details are shown in the image below:

  1. Metal mounting clip
  2. High-frequency magnetic head
  3. 2500V insulation sleeve
  4. High-temperature resistant wire
  5. Pure molybdenum electrode
  6. Outer quartz tube
  7. Carbon fiber heating wire
  8. Inner quartz tube
Industrial carbon fibre infrared heating tube structure

From the image description above, it’s evident that the outer quartz tube and the heating wire are the main components of the element ngrohës infra të kuqe me fibër karboni. The first thing you notice about the heating element is the quartz tube. The quartz tubes used for heating elements include transparent quartz tubes, ruby quartz tubes, and UV-filtering quartz tubes. Let’s first discuss the general functions of quartz tubes:

  1. Mechanical Support: The quartz tube provides support and fixes the heating wire in place, preventing it from shaking inside the heating element.
  2. Insulation and Isolation: The quartz tube insulates and isolates the heating wire and connecting wires from the outside, preventing electrical leakage when powered.
  3. Providing a Vacuum Environment: The quartz tube is sealed, providing a vacuum environment for the heating wire, protecting it from oxidation.

The ruby quartz tube, compared to the transparent quartz tube, offers an additional function—modifying the spectral characteristics of the heating element. This means that the ruby carbon fiber infrared heating element has an enhanced infrared heating effect.

GlobalQT specializes in high-quality quartz heating elements and tubes. For more information, please visit our faqe interneti ose na kontaktoni në


  • Casper Peng

    Casper Peng është një kalitur ekspert në tub kuarci të industrisë. Me mbi dhjetë vjet përvojë pune, ai ka një njohjeje të thellë të aplikime të ndryshme prej kuarci materialet dhe njohuri të thellë në kuarc teknikat e përpunimit. Casper është ekspertizë në hartimin dhe prodhimin e kuarc tuba i lejon atij për të siguruar përshtatur zgjidhje që plotësojnë unike nevojat e konsumatorëve. Përmes Casper Peng profesionale artikuj, ne kemi për qëllim për të siguruar ju me të fundit të industrisë lajme dhe më praktike teknike udhëzon në rrugë për të ndihmuar të kuptoni më mirë dhe të shfrytëzojë tub kuarci të produkteve.

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