As tea processing technology increasingly emphasizes environmental friendliness and energy efficiency, traditional methods of tea drying using coal, wood, and other conventional heat sources no longer meet modern requirements.
Application of Carbon Fiber Infrared Heating Tubes in Tea Drying
Carbon fiber infrared heating technology, widely applied in grains, vegetables, tobacco, and other products, has proven effective in tea drying after several years of research and development.
Research and Findings
Studies conducted by a university laboratory confirm that carbon fiber infrared heating technology plays a significant role in tea production and quality control. This article primarily explores its application in enzyme deactivation drying processes, equipment energy efficiency, and its impact on tea quality components.
Previous Heating Methods
Prior to this, many users employed shortwave infrared heating tubes or ceramic heating plates. These components emit mid to shortwave infrared radiation, which primarily depends on the moisture content of tea leaves and typically penetrates only the surface layer of moist materials.
Effectiveness of Infrared Heating
During radiation heating, the energy reflected and absorbed by tea leaves decreases with reduced moisture content. Comprehensive analysis of various experimental data indicates that far infrared heating tubes are suitable for drying thin materials. Conversely, shortwave infrared heating tubes are required for thicker drying rooms due to their higher temperatures. However, due to the high temperatures of shortwave infrared heating tubes, tea leaves can discolor during drying, making carbon fiber infrared heating tubes preferable for tea drying processes.
Tea Processing Challenges
Tea leaves undergo physical and chemical changes during withering and drying, closely related to their moisture content and distribution. These processes involve complex heat and mass transfer phenomena. Currently, carbon fiber infrared drying technology is widely used in grains and vegetables, offering superior appearance, rehydration properties, and retention of nutritional components compared to traditional hot air circulation drying.
Specialized Design Requirements
However, tea processing, particularly withering and drying, differs significantly from grains and vegetables, necessitating specially designed models and specifications for carbon fiber heating tubes used in tea drying machines.
Operational Specifications
When operating normally, carbon fiber heating tubes reach surface temperatures ranging from 500°C to 600°C, similar to the temperature and color of burning charcoal. This application in withering and drying processes enhances production efficiency and improves tea quality.
Enhance tea production efficiency and quality with carbon fiber infrared heating tubes, optimizing drying processes. For more information, visit our website or contact us at
Casper Peng është një kalitur ekspert në tub kuarci të industrisë. Me mbi dhjetë vjet përvojë pune, ai ka një njohjeje të thellë të aplikime të ndryshme prej kuarci materialet dhe njohuri të thellë në kuarc teknikat e përpunimit. Casper është ekspertizë në hartimin dhe prodhimin e kuarc tuba i lejon atij për të siguruar përshtatur zgjidhje që plotësojnë unike nevojat e konsumatorëve. Përmes Casper Peng profesionale artikuj, ne kemi për qëllim për të siguruar ju me të fundit të industrisë lajme dhe më praktike teknike udhëzon në rrugë për të ndihmuar të kuptoni më mirë dhe të shfrytëzojë tub kuarci të produkteve.
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