Carbon Fiber Infrared Tubes for Vacuum Furnace Heating

Heating Methods of Vacuum Furnaces

Vacuum furnaces generally employ two heating methods: internal heating and external heating. External heating has several drawbacks, such as low heating efficiency, reduced mechanical strength of the furnace body at high temperatures, limited furnace size, high thermal inertia during external heating, and high costs associated with precise temperature control. Internal heating vacuum furnaces mitigate these shortcomings and feature simpler insulation layer structures. However, they demand higher requirements for heating elements and involve more complex installation processes.

Challenges with Internal Heating

Internal heating methods also necessitate reducing the rated voltage of heating tubes to below 100V, typically around 60V, requiring a voltage reduction system. Therefore, the circuitry of the internal heating vacuum furnace heating system is relatively complex. Is there a heating method that can address the drawbacks of both internal and external heating?

Advantages of Carbon Fiber Infrared Heating Tubes

Utilizing carbon fiber infrared heating tubes for vacuum furnace heating combines the advantages of both external and internal heating methods, showing significant potential in both technological advancements and cost-effectiveness. As demonstrated in the article “Validation: Carbon Fiber Heating Tubes Can Carbonize Wood Sticks in Vacuum Environment,” carbon fiber infrared heating tubes have been proven effective for heating in vacuum conditions. Here, we introduce a vacuum furnace using carbon fiber infrared heating tubes, with a box structure inspired by conventional vacuum furnaces.

Vacuum Furnace Structure

This vacuum furnace adopts a traditional sealed cylindrical chamber with an internal diameter of 1000mm and a height of 1200mm, operating at a temperature of 400 degrees Celsius. It is equipped with 21 single-ended carbon fiber infrared heating tubes rated at 380V/1000W each. These tubes are uniformly distributed inside the chamber. Specifications for the infrared heating tubes include: diameter of 18mm, length of 980mm, power rating of 380V/1000W, and a delta-connected electrical configuration.

Differences Compared to Conventional Heating

Compared to conventional resistance wire heating tube vacuum furnaces, carbon fiber infrared heating tube vacuum furnaces offer several distinct advantages:

  • They can operate with either 220V or 380V, eliminating the need for step-down equipment and simplifying electrical circuitry, thereby reducing equipment investment costs significantly.
  • Infrared heating tubes are evenly distributed within the chamber, matching the depth of the cavity, ensuring uniform heating inside the chamber.
  • Infrared radiation heating does not require a medium for heat transfer, achieving much higher heating efficiency compared to traditional conductive heating methods.
  • The exterior of the heating tubes is made of quartz, providing insulation and preventing short circuits with the furnace body, thereby enhancing safety.
  • The furnace structure is straightforward, involving securing brackets inside the box and clipping the heating tubes onto the brackets without the need for additional insulation protection designs.


Overall, using carbon fiber infrared heating tubes in vacuum furnace equipment reduces manufacturing costs, simplifies circuit design, and matches the heating performance of traditional heating methods, making it a compelling choice for various applications.

For advanced vacuum furnace solutions integrating carbon fiber infrared heating tubes, visit GlobalQT for innovative heating technologies. Contact us at for more information


  • Casper Peng

    Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.

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