Heat transfer occurs in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation. These three methods of heat transfer are ubiquitous in daily life. But which method is most suitable for use in food ovens?
Understanding Heat Transfer
Common heat transfer often involves a combination of these three methods, rather than relying solely on one. For example, teppanyaki utilizes conduction, where heat is transferred through the iron plate to the food, raising its temperature until it cooks. However, even when you stand 20 cm away from the iron plate, you can still feel its warmth—this is due to radiation. Boiling water mainly involves convection; when cooking food in boiling water, conduction is also at play, and you can feel the heat from a distance due to radiation.
Comparing Heat Transfer Methods
While these three methods complement each other, they each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Conduction and convection require a medium to transfer heat and are relatively slow. In contrast, radiation does not need any medium and provides faster heating, allowing for instant on/off operation.
When selecting heating tubes for an oven, several conditions must be met:
- Energy efficiency
- High heating efficiency
- Good appearance of baked food
- Preservation of the food’s nutritional content
Only radiation heating meets these criteria. But why is that?
Why Radiation Heating Is Superior
Conduction and convection first heat the air inside the oven, which then transfers the heat to the food. This process is slower, and food cooked this way may not have the best texture. Radiation heating, on the other hand, directly uses infrared rays to heat the food. The heating speed is naturally faster, as infrared rays reach the food’s surface at the speed of light once the heating tube is activated.
Choosing the Right Infrared Heating Tube for Food
Which type of infrared heating tube is most suitable for heating food? We know that most foods contain water (with an infrared absorption band of 3-9 micrometers), and most foods have an infrared absorption spectrum between 2.5-20 micrometers. Carbon fiber infrared heater tubes emit infrared rays within the 2.0-15 micrometers range, matching the absorption bands of food. Infrared rays, like visible light, can be reflected or absorbed by substances. If the irradiated substance cannot absorb the infrared rays, the energy carried by the rays is wasted. Therefore, using carbon fiber heater tubes to heat food is more effective, as it maximizes the conversion of electrical energy into the heat needed to cook the food.
Additional Advantages of Infrared Radiation Heating
Besides faster heating, infrared radiation heating offers other advantages, which include:
- Uniform Heating: Infrared radiation heats the object evenly from the inside out, avoiding the issue of burning on the outside while remaining uncooked inside.
- Optimized Absorption: Different materials can be matched with different wavelengths of heating tubes. Infrared absorption is 30%-40% higher than that of conventional heating tubes.
- Low Equipment Investment: Setting up a drying room with a few carbon fiber heating tubes can create a simple oven, eliminating the need for complex equipment like combustion chambers, ventilation ducts, and hot air circulation systems.
- Environmentally Friendly: It uses 100% electric energy, with no secondary pollution or noise pollution. During operation, only electrical safety needs to be ensured, without worrying about environmental or personal safety concerns.
- No Contact Heating: Infrared radiation heats without direct contact with objects, preserving the color and nutritional content of baked goods.
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Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.
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