A 'tuigsinn clàr-innse ath-bheothachail de phìoban Quartz

Quartz tubes are a common type of optical instrument extensively used in scientific, industrial, and medical fields. The refractive index is a crucial parameter that significantly influences the performance and effectiveness of quartz tubes. This article will detail the refractive index of quartz tubes and its related concepts.

Quartz tubes are cylindrical objects made from quartz material, noted for its excellent optical properties. Quartz, being a colorless and transparent mineral, has a high refractive index and optical transmission capabilities, making it widely used in the optical field. Quartz tubes are characterized by their high strength, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature tolerance, finding extensive use in chemical laboratories, medical devices, and laser equipment.

1. Ciod e Clàr-innse ath-bheothachail de phìoban Quartz

The refractive index of a quartz tube is defined as the ratio of the angle of refraction to the angle of incidence as light passes through the quartz tube. It is an essential optical property that affects the propagation speed and direction of light within the medium. Typically, the refractive index of quartz tubes ranges from 1.45 to 1.55, depending on the optical properties of the quartz material and the structure of the tube walls.

Tha àite deatamach aig a’ chlàr-amais ath-bheothachail ann an cleachdadh optigeach de phìoban èiteag. Bidh e a’ dearbhadh coileanadh tar-chuir optigeach nan tiùban. Ann an tagraidhean optigeach, thèid solas a thoirt air ais fhad ‘s a tha e a’ dol tro phìob quartz. Faodaidh clàr-amais ath-tharraing neo-iomchaidh droch bhuaidh a thoirt air sgaoileadh agus fòcas solais, agus mar sin a’ toirt buaidh air coileanadh an inneil.

2. Tomhas a 'Chlàr Refractive

The refractive index of quartz tubes can be measured by various methods, the most common being the semi-reflective method. This method utilizes the principle of refraction of light between two media, measuring the angles of refraction in both quartz tubes and air to calculate the refractive index.

2.1 Ceumannan Tomhais Sònraichte

  1. Thoir a-steach beam solais bho ghlainne no meadhan follaiseach eile a-steach don phìob quartz.
  2. Às deidh don t-solas a dhol tron chuartan a-staigh, thèid e a-mach gu meadhan eile.
  3. Tomhais ceàrnan an tachartais agus an ath-tharraing.
  4. Obraich a-mach clàr-amais refractive quartz a rèir lagh ath-tharraing.

A bharrachd air an sin, faodar ceàrn Brewster a chleachdadh cuideachd gus clàr-amais ath-tharraingeach de phìoban quartz a thomhas. Tha an dòigh seo a’ toirt a-steach a bhith ag atharrachadh ceàrn an tachartais gus am bi ceàrn ath-dhealbhachaidh 90 ceum, a’ lughdachadh call lùtha agus a’ toirt a-mach an clàr-amais ath-tharraing as ceart.

3. Dòighean àireamhachaidh airson clàr-innse ath-bheothachail de phìoban quartz

Quartz tubes are widely used in the optical field, and accurately calculating their refractive index is critical for optical design and experimental research. The methods for calculating the refractive index of quartz tubes are based on the Fraunhofer equation, which describes the law of refraction as light moves from one medium (like a quartz tube) to another (such as air).

Faodar an àireamhachadh clàr-amais refractive a dhèanamh a’ cleachdadh an dà chuid tomhas dìreach agus dòighean àireamhachaidh neo-dhìreach. Tha an dòigh tomhais dìreach a’ toirt a-steach a bhith a’ cleachdadh refractometers agus ionnstramaidean deuchainneach eile gus an clàr-amais refractive a thomhas. Feumaidh seo calibration le stuth iomraidh de chlàr-amais ath-tharraingeach aithnichte, leithid èadhar no uisge, mus cuir thu an tiùb quartz san ionnstramaid gus ceàrn ath-tharraing an t-solais a tha a’ dol troimhe a thomhas.

The indirect calculation method is based on the physical properties and compositional elements of the quartz tube. It requires knowledge of the material composition, temperature, pressure, and other factors, calculated using theoretical models and mathematical formulas. Commonly used formulas include the Cauchy and Sellmeier equations, which fit the relationship between the refractive index and wavelength.

3.1 Foirmle Cauchy

n=A+λ2B+λ4c+… Càite n a’ riochdachadh clàr-amais refractive, A,B,c tha iad seasmhach, agus λ tha an tonn-tonn. Tha an dòigh seo freagarrach airson a bhith ag obrachadh a-mach an clàr-amais ath-tharraing thairis air raointean tonn-tonn nas giorra.

3.2 Formula Sellmeier

n2=1+(λ2 -S1A1 ×λ2)+(λ2 -S2A2 ×λ2)+(λ2 -S3A3 ×λ2)+… Seo, n a’ riochdachadh clàr-amais refractive, A1,A2,A3 iad seasmhach, agus S1,S2,STha 3 nan loidhnichean speactram sònraichte. Tha am foirmle seo buntainneach thairis air raon tonn-tonn nas fharsainge agus faodar atharrachadh a rèir na pàirtean sònraichte den phìob quartz.

4. Factaran a 'toirt buaidh air a' Chlàr Refractive

The refractive index of quartz tubes is influenced by various factors:

4.1 Feartan stuthan:

Air a dhèanamh le silica fìor-ghlan, tha an clàr-amais refractive dlùth cheangailte ri feartan optigeach silica, a tha an urra ri a cho-dhèanamh ceimigeach, structar criostail, neo-chunbhalachd agus purrachd.

Bidh tonn-tonn an t-solais cuideachd a’ toirt buaidh mhòr air clàr-amais ath-tharraing. Ann am pìoban èiteag, bidh an clàr-amais ath-tharraingeach mar as trice an urra ris an tonn-tonn, leis gu bheil tonnan eadar-dhealaichte a’ gluasad aig diofar astaran is stiùiridhean taobh a-staigh an tiùba, ag adhbhrachadh atharrachaidhean anns a’ chlàr ath-bheothachail.

4.2 Teòthachd:

Tha buaidh shònraichte aig teòthachd air clàr-amais refractive. Mar a bhios an teòthachd ag èirigh, faodaidh feartan fiosaigeach nan tiùban quartz atharrachadh mar thoradh air leudachadh teirmeach, ag atharrachadh clàr-amais ath-bheòthail.

4.3 Brùthadh:

Faodaidh an clàr-amais refractive cuideachd atharrachadh fo chuideam àrd. Faodaidh cuideam bhon taobh a-muigh structar fiosaigeach nan tiùban quartz atharrachadh, a 'toirt buaidh air an dòigh anns a bheil solas a' gluasad agus mar sin ag atharrachadh clàr-amais ath-bheothachaidh.

Faodaidh factaran beaga eile, leithid taiseachd agus pròiseas saothrachaidh an stuth, buaidh a thoirt air clàr-amais ath-tharraingeach tiùban quartz. Tha feum air beachdachadh farsaing air na factaran sin uile gus an clàr-amais ath-tharraingeach obrachadh a-mach agus a mhìneachadh gu ceart.

5. Sgapadh ann an Quartz Tubes

A bharrachd air a’ chlàr-amais ath-tharraingeach, tha an sgapadh, no atharrachadh a’ chlàir ath-tharraingeach le tonn-tonn an t-solais, cuideachd na pharamadair optigeach cudromach. Mar as trice, bidh clàran-amais ath-tharraingeach eadar-dhealaichte aig tonnan solais eadar-dhealaichte ann an tiùban quartz, a’ leantainn gu uinneanan sgaoilidh aig àm sgaoileadh solais. Mar as trice bidh tiùban quartz a’ nochdadh sgaoileadh ìosal, a bheir buaidh as lugha air coileanadh cho-phàirtean optigeach.

6. Co-dhùnadh:

In practical applications, the refractive index of quartz tubes usually needs to be selected based on specific requirements. To ensure the performance and precision of optical instruments, it is essential to control and adjust the refractive index accurately. Usually, this is achieved by altering the material composition, structural parameters, and manufacturing processes of the quartz tubes to meet the needs of different application fields.

Tro rannsachadh agus smachd air clàr-amais refractive tubes quartz, faodar coileanadh co-phàirtean optigeach atharrachadh gu mionaideach, agus mar sin a’ toirt air adhart teicneòlas optigeach agus tagraidhean. Thathas an dòchas gun toir an artaigil seo tuigse nas doimhne do luchd-leughaidh air clàr-amais ath-tharraingeach de phìoban quartz agus cho cudromach sa tha e.

Tha Global Quartz Tube gu sònraichte airson a bhith a’ toirt seachad tiùban quartz de chàileachd àrd a tha riatanach airson raon farsaing de thagraidhean optigeach. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh no ceistean, mas e do thoil e Cuir fios thugainn no cuir fios thugainn aig contact@globalquartztube.com.


  • Casper Peng

    Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.

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Cuir fios thugainn airson Ceistean agus Taic

Upon grasping na feuman agad, ar sàr-innleadairean bidh craft a complimentary freagairt.

An dùil a swift freagairt taobh a-staigh 1 latha-obrach—a bheil sinn an-seo gus atharrachadh a thoirt d ' an sealladh a-steach an t-suidheachadh.

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