Pròiseas cinneasachaidh Quartz Tubing

Quartz tubing is a type of transparent or translucent tubing made from silicon dioxide (SiO2), known for its high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and high purity. Due to its excellent physical and chemical properties, quartz tubing finds widespread application in high-tech industries such as semiconductors, optical fibers, and photovoltaics. The manufacturing process of quartz tubing mainly includes the following steps:

1. Taghadh agus ullachadh stuthan

The production of quartz tube requires high-purity quartz sand as a raw material. Initially, the quartz sand is sifted and cleaned to remove impurities and dust. Subsequently, the cleaned quartz sand is dried to facilitate further processing.

2. A' leaghadh

Tha gainmheach quartz tiormaichte air a chuir ann am fùirneis àrd-teòthachd agus air a leaghadh aig teòthachd os cionn 1700 ° C. Rè a 'phròiseas leaghaidh, bidh gainmheach quartz ag atharrachadh gu staid leaghte de silicon dà-ogsaid. Gus dèanamh cinnteach à leaghadh èifeachdach, bidh fùirneisean leithid fùirneisean arc dealain, fùirneisean dìon, no fùirneisean lasair gas air an cleachdadh gu h-àbhaisteach.

3. A' cruthachadh

Tha an sileacon dà-ogsaid leaghte air a chumadh na phìoban tro phròiseasan cruthachaidh sònraichte. Tha dòighean cumanta a’ toirt a-steach tarraing, sèideadh, agus cruthachadh ceud-ghluasadach. Tha an dòigh dealbhaidh a’ toirt a-steach a bhith a’ sìneadh an sileacon dà-ogsaid leaghte gu pìoban tana; tha an dòigh sèididh a’ toirt a-steach a bhith a’ sèideadh an sileacon dà-ogsaid leaghte a-steach do mholltaichean gus tiùban a chruthachadh; agus tha an dòigh ceud-ghluasadach a’ toirt a-steach a bhith a’ dòrtadh an sileacon dà-ogsaid leaghte a-steach do mholltairean rothlach, a’ cleachdadh feachd ceud-ghluasadach gus a chumadh na phìoban.

4. Fuarachadh

An dèidh a bhith a 'cruthachadh, feumaidh na tiùban quartz a bhith air am fuarachadh. Tron phròiseas fuarachaidh, faodaidh cuideam sònraichte a thighinn air adhart air uachdar a-staigh agus a-muigh nan tiùban quartz. Gus buaidh cuideam air coileanadh nan tiùban quartz a lughdachadh, bu chòir smachd a chumail air an ìre fuarachaidh taobh a-staigh raon sònraichte, mar as trice 50-100 ° C san uair.

5. A 'gearradh agus a' bleith

The cooled quartz tubes require cutting and grinding to meet the needs of different application scenarios. Cutting can be done using mechanical or laser cutting methods. The grinding process mainly involves treating the ends of the quartz tubes to enhance their flatness and smoothness.

6. Sgrùdadh

Throughout the production process of quartz tubes, it is necessary to comprehensively inspect aspects such as the tubes’ size, density, transparency, and surface quality. These inspections include visual inspection, optical testing, and mechanical testing, aiming to ensure the quality of the quartz tubes meets requirements.

7. Glanadh agus Pacadh

Finally, the quartz tubes are cleaned and packaged. During the cleaning process, it is necessary to remove impurities such as oil and dust from the surface of the quartz tubes. During packaging, it is important to ensure the quartz tubes are not subjected to external forces to avoid damage.

In summary, the production process of quartz tube includes stages such as material selection and preparation, melting, forming, cooling, cutting and grinding, inspection, and cleaning and packaging. Each stage requires strict control of process parameters to ensure the quality and performance of the quartz tubes.

For reliable and quality quartz tubing solutions, contact GlobalQT aig Tha sinn an seo gus coinneachadh ri do shònrachaidhean le mionaideachd.


  • Casper Peng

    Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.

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