Inbhean Càileachd Mèinnearachd Raw Quartz Tube
The quality standards for raw minerals used in quartz tube drawing include the following aspects:
Co-dhèanamh ceimigeach:
Feumaidh susbaint SiO2 a bhith nas àirde na 99.5%.
Feartan corporra:
The hardness of the quartz tube raw mineral should be above level 7, with a density between 2.6-2.7g/cm³.
Tha am mèinnear amh gu ìre mhòr geal no far-gheal, gun spotan dubha, sgàinidhean no lochdan follaiseach eile.
The quartz tube raw mineral should have minimal impurities and moisture content, making it easy to process into products with regular dimensions.
Dùmhlachadh Neart:
Fo chumhachan teòthachd is taiseachd sònraichte, bu chòir gum biodh am mèinnear amh comasach air seasamh ri ìre sònraichte de chuideam gun a bhith a ’deformachadh no a’ sgàineadh.
These are the basic quality standards for the quartz tube raw mineral, which may need to be adjusted according to different demands and applications.
Mion-sgrùdadh air Prìomh Chomharran airson Dealbh Quartz Tube
Is e cruas aon de na comharran càileachd cudromach airson tiùban quartz. Tha ìre cruas àrd a’ ciallachadh nach eil e cho dualtach a bhith a’ caitheamh, a’ sgrìobadh, agus gun urrainn dha a luster a chumail suas thar ùine mhòr. A rèir ìrean cruas mèinnearachd, is e 7 an clàr cruas de phìoban quartz.
Neart teannachaidh
Tha neart teannachaidh a 'toirt iomradh air an ìre de chuideam a dh'fhaodas stuth a sheasamh bho fheachdan bhon taobh a-muigh gun a bhith a' briseadh no a 'deformachadh. Tha neart teannachaidh àrd aig tiùban quartz, mar as trice còrr air 100 MPa, a leigeas leotha seasamh ri cuideam mòr.
Ìre gabhail uisge
Tha an ìre sùghaidh uisge cuideachd na chomharra cudromach. Tha ìre sùghaidh uisge àrd a’ nochdadh porosity nas àirde, ga dhèanamh furasta taiseachd a ghabhail a-steach, a dh’ fhaodas fàs bacteria agus molltair a dhèanamh nas fhasa, agus mar sin a’ toirt buaidh air beatha. Mar as trice tha ìre sùghaidh uisge nas lugha na 0.1% aig tiùb quartz math.
Air sgàth adhbharan geòlais, dh'fhaodadh stuthan rèidio-beò a bhith ann an cuid de phìoban quartz, leithid uranium, thorium, agus potasium. Mar sin, tha rèidio-beò na phrìomh chomharra airson sùil a chumail air. Bu chòir pìoban quartz de dheagh chàileachd a bhith neo-rèidio-ghnìomhach gus cunnartan slàinte do luchd-cleachdaidh a sheachnadh.
In summary, the hardness, compressive strength, water absorption rate, and radioactivity are several critical indicators to consider when purchasing quartz tubes. It is essential to ensure the quality by choosing reputable manufacturers and brands to guarantee safety and quality during use.
Global Quartz Tube specializes in the production of high-quality quartz tubes, committed to maintaining rigorous quality standards and employing advanced manufacturing techniques. For inquiries and further information, please Cuir fios thugainn aig
Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.
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