Infrapunased kiirgusküttetorud üheplaaniliste puitpaneelide kuivatamise suunamiseks, et lahendada vineeri väändumisprobleeme?
Plywood or laminated wood is formed by pressing multiple layers of veneer bonded together. Veneers are obtained by rotary cutting wood logs into thin slices, ty... Loe edasi.
Kas elektriküte on energiamahukam üheplaaniliste puitpaneelide kuivatamiseks? Ettepanekud nelja disainiparameetri parandamiseks
In recent years, there has been in-depth global research on the drying characteristics of plywood veneers, primarily focusing on hot air drying. Advances have b... Loe edasi.
Puidukuivatuse infrapunaküttetorude teooria ja praktika
Drying aims to achieve the physical process of moisture migration in materials, reaching a certain dryness level or moisture content. Drying equipment is indisp... Loe edasi.
Vaba niiskuse aurustumise teooria puidu sees ja puidu kuivatamise uurimine süsinikkiust elektriküttetorudega
According to the way water combines with materials, drying science divides materials into three categories. The first category is capillary-porous bodies, where... Loe edasi.
Vee baasil valmistatud polüuretaanvärvi kuivamise tõhusust mõjutavad tegurid
Waterborne polyurethane (WPU) paints are gradually replacing traditional solvent-based paints due to environmental concerns. Unlike organic solvent-based paints... Loe edasi.
Kesklaine infrapunaküttetorud Lainepikkus
In the electric heating industry, the wavelength of mid-wave infrared heating tubes is strictly between 2μm and 15μm. It’s important to note that althou... Loe edasi.
Kas kõrgem temperatuur kiirendab kuivatamist? Kas ravimtaimede viil säilitab oma tõhususe pärast kõrge temperatuuriga kuivatamist?
During the drying validation process of medicinal herb slices, we discovered that the maximum temperature these slices can tolerate is significantly lower than ... Loe edasi.
Traditsioonilise hiina meditsiini viilude infrapunakuivatuse sissejuhatus
Today, I will share some experimental data on infrared drying of traditional Chinese medicine slices, specifically using an intermittent infrared oven. To facil... Loe edasi.
Süsinikkiust küttekehad: Traditsioonilise Hiina meditsiini viilude infrapunakiirguse kuivatamise neli omadust
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has historically been dried using one of the oldest methods—sun-drying, which essentially involves the medicinal materials ... Loe edasi.