Infrared vs UV Heating Tubes: Differences in Industrial Use

Infrared heating tubes and UV lamps are two commonly used lamps in industrial production equipment. Do you know the differences between them? Here is a brief introduction to the distinctions between these two types of lamps:

Infraqizil Isitish Naychalari

Infrared heating/industrial lamps are made of blown or pressed quartz glass and are a type of reflector lamp that can provide precisely controlled energy radiation. They are simple, safe, transparent, and easy to maintain and transport. The application of red glass coating can reduce visible light (glare) by 75%.

Quartz glass has high mechanical and thermal strength, making it resistant to sudden cooling and water splashing impacts. Infrared heating/industrial lamps do not require a ballast starter and are not limited by voltage when illuminated.

Industrial Infrared Heating Tubes

Linear double-ended quartz heating tubes, made of high-quality quartz material, are an efficient heating source that emits shortwave infrared radiation. Some have a reflective layer, and the heating filament is supported by a quartz core rod to prevent filament vibration. They offer high efficiency, rapid heat transfer, responsive control, compact structure, and lightweight features. These tubes are widely used in the semiconductor industry for heating electronic wafers, blowing PETP bottles, reflow soldering equipment, drying fillers, drying paint in automobile repairs, medical applications, toner fixation in copiers, melting solder on printed circuit boards, and heating and sterilizing food, among other applications.

Function of UV Lamps

  1. UV lamps must be used in a sealed space to achieve disinfection.
  2. The disinfection range of a UV lamp is within 1 meter of its surroundings.
  3. The working principle of UV lamp disinfection is to use the high energy of the ultraviolet spectrum to destroy the structure of microorganisms, thereby achieving a strong sterilizing effect for disinfection purposes.

UV lamps are used for sterilization and disinfection in medical units and the catering system. Ultraviolet light can destroy cells and bacteria/viruses, but it can also damage normal human cells. For example, ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause sunburn and peeling of the skin. Misuse of UV lamps can also lead to eye injuries. In short, ultraviolet light can kill living cells.

UV lamp irradiation, as a commonly used sterilization method, is widely applied in various industries. After modifications, UV lamps have gradually entered households and schools. While achieving sterilization and disinfection, improper operation and a lack of understanding of UV characteristics pose hidden dangers that should not be ignored.

The above information outlines the differences between infrared heating tubes and UV lamps. I hope this is helpful to everyone.

For more information, please visit our veb-sayt yoki biz bilan bog'laning GlobalQT specializes in high-quality quartz heating elements and solutions.


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