Many customers who have never used uglerod tolasi isitish elementlari often ask, “How hot can carbon fiber heating elements get?” Today, I’ll use images and a video to show you just how high the surface temperature of carbon fiber infrared heating elements gets once activated.
Appearance of Carbon Fiber Heating Elements Before and After Activation
When inactive, uglerod tolasi isitish elementlari appear transparent black. Once activated, they turn a bright orange-yellow, resembling the color of burning charcoal. The industrial version of carbon fiber heating elements takes about 10 seconds to activate, while the hollow carbon fiber heating element (for household use) takes about 3 seconds.
Surface Temperature Test
Using professional equipment, we measured the surface temperature of the heating element after activation. A piece of paper was placed near it and was instantly ignited.
Activated carbon fiber heating element surface temperature exceeds 500°C.
A Meeting Between a Cigarette and the Heating Element
Finally, we brought a cigarette close to the heating element to see what would happen. Watch the video for a more direct and vivid demonstration.
Now, do you understand just how high the surface temperature of a carbon fiber heating element can get after activation?
Additional Knowledge
Uglerod tolasi isitish elementlari are classified by shape into the following types: straight heating elements with core rods, U-shaped heating elements, pear-shaped heating elements, and specially-shaped heating elements. Performance advantages include energy savings, no decay over time, corrosion resistance, fast heating, short thermal lag, the ability to run dry, and a wide range of applications (360-degree installation in any direction).
When powered, the carbon molecules in the carbon fiber undergo “Brownian motion,” generating heat and emitting infrared rays in the 4-17μm range, without electromagnetic radiation or strong light radiation. The electrical heat conversion efficiency is over 95%, with no power decay even after 6,000 hours of operation. The heating element surface reaches 500°C within 10 seconds, and it can withstand thermal shock (even when doused with ice water while in use, it won’t crack). Additionally, paired with a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), it can achieve 0-100% power adjustment.
Carbon fiber is gradually replacing tungsten wire and metal alloy wire as the main electric heating material. Carbon fiber quartz heating elements are widely used in various ovens, tunnel furnaces, high and low-temperature test chambers, printing machines, agricultural product dryers, smokeless barbecue grills, paint rooms, and other fields. They are suitable for any heating, drying, or insulation equipment.
GlobalQT yuqori sifatli ishlab chiqarishga ixtisoslashgan uglerod tolasi isitish elementlari for various industrial and household applications. For more information, visit our veb-sayt yoki biz bilan bog'laning
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