Информативни Блогови
Избор грејач од угљеничних влакана, за индустријске тунела за сушење
Industrial tunnel dryers are a preferred choice for drying processes in industrial, agricultural, and medical production due to their efficiency in facilitating streamlined production lines
Врсте премаза и механизме за њихово излечење
Paint coatings have become integral to our daily lives and work environments. From solid wood furniture at home to components in office electronics, spray-painted parts
Повећајте ефикасност сушења боје са грејним елементима од угљеничних влакана
In the initial stages of production, many people believed that the drying mechanism of paint coatings is similar to that of drying wet materials, which
Инфрацрвени грејачи цеви за циљ сушење једном дрвених панела за решавање проблема хоггинг иверице?
Plywood or laminated wood is formed by pressing multiple layers of veneer bonded together. Veneers are obtained by rotary cutting wood logs into thin slices,
Да ли је електрични грејање више троши сушењем једном дрвених панела? Предлози за побољшање четири конструктивних параметара
In recent years, there has been in-depth global research on the drying characteristics of plywood veneers, primarily focusing on hot air drying. Advances have been
Теорија и пракса коришћења инфрацрвене за грејање цеви за сушење дрвета
Drying aims to achieve the physical process of moisture migration in materials, reaching a certain dryness level or moisture content. Drying equipment is indispensable in
Теорија испаравања слободне влаге унутар дрвета и студија сушење дрвета помоћу электронагревательных цеви од угљеничних влакана
According to the way water combines with materials, drying science divides materials into three categories. The first category is capillary-porous bodies, where dimensional changes are
Фактори који утичу на ефикасност сушења полиуретан боја на бази воде
Waterborne polyurethane (WPU) paints are gradually replacing traditional solvent-based paints due to environmental concerns. Unlike organic solvent-based paints, waterborne paints use water as a dispersing
Таласна дужина Средневолновых Инфрацрвене за Грејање цеви
In the electric heating industry, the wavelength of mid-wave infrared heating tubes is strictly between 2μm and 15μm. It’s important to note that although these
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