Kako preveriti infrardeče grelne elemente z multimetrom

There are many standards to evaluate the quality of heating elements. How can we simply test the quality of a heating element in our daily work and life? Today, I will share with you how to use a multimeter to test the quality of a heating element.

Set the multimeter to the 1K ohm range, and place the two probes on both ends of the heating wire.

If the multimeter displays a certain value, it means the heating wire is functioning normally. Take note of the resistance value. If no value is displayed, it indicates that the heating wire has a break, and the heating element cannot be used.

By using the formulas 220250/resistance value or 380380/resistance value, you can calculate the power. If the calculated power deviates by less than 5% from the rated power, the heating element is good.

If the power deviation is large, it indicates that the manufacturing process is substandard. If the power value is excessively high, such as over 10,000, it means there is a short circuit in the heating wire, which could lead to a fire or other electrical malfunctions. In this case, the heating element should not be used.

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  • Peng, Casper

    Casper Peng je izkušen strokovnjak v industriji kremenovih cevi. Z več kot desetimi leti izkušenj dobro razume različne načine uporabe kremenovih materialov in ima poglobljeno znanje o tehnikah obdelave kremena. Casperjevo strokovno znanje na področju načrtovanja in izdelave kremenovih cevi mu omogoča, da zagotavlja prilagojene rešitve, ki izpolnjujejo edinstvene potrebe strank. S strokovnimi članki Casperja Penga vam želimo zagotoviti najnovejše novice iz industrije in najbolj praktične tehnične vodnike, ki vam bodo pomagali bolje razumeti in uporabljati izdelke iz kremenovih cevi.

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