Casper Peng je izkušen strokovnjak v industriji kremenovih cevi. Z več kot desetimi leti izkušenj dobro razume različne načine uporabe kremenovih materialov in ima poglobljeno znanje o tehnikah obdelave kremena.
Casperjevo strokovno znanje na področju načrtovanja in izdelave kremenovih cevi mu omogoča, da zagotavlja prilagojene rešitve, ki izpolnjujejo edinstvene potrebe strank. S strokovnimi članki Casperja Penga vam želimo zagotoviti najnovejše novice iz industrije in najbolj praktične tehnične vodnike, ki vam bodo pomagali bolje razumeti in uporabljati izdelke iz kremenovih cevi.
1. Energy Consumption Comparison Quartz heating tubes heat up through the resistance of tungsten filaments. Carbon fiber heating tubes, being pure blackbody materials,... Preberite več.
In this article, we will introduce concise quartz cleaning instructions, divided into three sections for different users: Physical Cleaning Methods—Suitable for... Preberite več.
High-purity quartz refers to quartz series products with a SiO2 purity greater than 99.9%. It is the material foundation of high-end products in the silicon industry,... Preberite več.
As society continues to evolve rapidly, the types of glass have become increasingly diversified, meeting the needs of various occasions. By adjusting its material... Preberite več.
When it comes to industrial and domestic heating solutions, the debate between quartz and stainless steel heating tubes is prevalent. Each type offers distinct advantages... Preberite več.