Will Carbon Fiber Elements Break if Splashed with Water?

When a carbon fiber heating element is turned on, its surface temperature can reach approximately 500°C. If water accidentally splashes onto it during operation, will it shatter like glass?

In daily life, many people have experienced a glass cup cracking when hot water is poured into it during winter. Why does this happen? It’s because ordinary glass has poor thermal conductivity. When hot water is poured into the glass cup, the inner wall of the cup expands due to heat, but the heat transfer is slow. The outer wall doesn’t expand as much, causing uneven stress between the inner and outer walls, which leads to the cup cracking.

Will Our Carbon Fiber Quartz Heating Element Have an Accident if Splashed with Water?

If the surface temperature of our carbon fiber quartz heating element is very high and it gets splashed with water during use, will an accident occur? Watch the video to find out.

High-quality carbon fiber heating elements are made using premium dehydroxylated quartz tubes. Compared to ordinary quartz tubes, dehydroxylated quartz tubes undergo an additional 24-hour high-temperature treatment process, which explains the price difference. This is one of the main reasons for the price variation of quartz tubes or quartz heating elements on the market.

How to Identify High-Quality Carbon Fiber Heating Elements

When choosing a carbon fiber heating element, how can you tell if the heating element you’ve purchased is made of high-quality quartz or is a substandard product? While electrical performance testing will be covered in detail later, today we’ll focus on how to judge the quality of the quartz tube based on its external appearance. Here are four methods: Look, Feel, Listen, and Burn.

1. Look (Simple and Easy to Perform)

Examine the quartz tube to see if there are any color variations (black, white, or fleecy), if there are longitudinal linear lines, or if there are pinhole-like pores. A good quartz tube should be transparent without color variations, air lines, or pores.

2. Feel (Simple and Easy to Perform)

After washing your hands, put on silk gloves (or ordinary anti-static gloves) and gently hold the quartz tube, sliding your hand back and forth. During this process, you should feel whether the surface of the quartz tube is smooth and if there are any invisible defects.

Use your fingernail to scratch the surface of the quartz tube and see if any foreign particles fall off.

3. Listen (Requires Experience)

Lightly tap two quartz heating elements together and listen for a crisp sound. This sound is different from glass. Quartz tubes produce a particularly crisp sound, while glass produces a dull sound. This method requires a high level of experience.

4. Burn (Simple but Difficult to Perform)

After turning on the quartz tube and bringing it up to temperature, pour cold water onto the quartz tube to see if it cracks. This process has high safety requirements, so it is not recommended for non-professionals to try.

GlobalQT specializes in high-quality quartz heating elements. For more information, visit our vefsíðu eða hafðu samband við okkur á contact@globalquartztube.com.


  • Peng, Casper

    Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.

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