Carbon Fiber Heating Tubes: Power Decay and Performance

Today, I would like to discuss a common question from the first part of our detailed discussion on carbon fiber infrared quartz heating tubes—specifically, question 12: Will the power of carbon fiber heating tubes decay over time?

Answer: No, the power will not decay. Unlike tungsten filament infrared heating tubes, carbon fiber infrared heating tubes do not experience power decay. Tungsten filament infrared heating tubes will eventually burn out once they reach the end of their service life. To understand why carbon fiber heating tubes don’t experience power decay, let’s first explain why tungsten filament infrared heating tubes burn out after some time.

Why Do Tungsten Filament Infrared Heating Tubes Burn Out?

When tungsten filament infrared heating tubes operate, they become incandescent, with the surface temperature of the tungsten filament exceeding 2000 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the tungsten filament slowly sublimates, causing it to gradually thin over time. Eventually, the filament burns out and the tube can no longer be used. During this process, the power output of the tungsten filament infrared heating tube gradually decreases. To extend the lifespan of tungsten filament infrared heating tubes, the industry often fills the tubes with protective gases, mainly composed of iodine and other inert gases. This is why infrared heating tubes are also known as halogen lamps. However, this only extends the lifespan and does not completely resolve the issue of short usage time.

Why Doesn’t the Power of Carbon Fiber Heating Tubes Decay?

Carbon fiber is a special fiber composed of carbon elements. It has characteristics such as high temperature resistance, friction resistance, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance. Carbon fiber is fibrous, flexible, and can be processed into various fabrics. Due to its graphite microcrystal structure being preferentially oriented along the fiber axis, carbon fiber has very high strength and modulus along the fiber axis. Carbon fiber has low density, which results in a high specific strength and specific modulus. Carbon fiber can withstand temperatures up to 2700 degrees Celsius in a vacuum while maintaining its original physical and chemical properties. This is why the power of carbon fiber heating tubes does not decay or change during use.

Misconceptions and Advantages of Carbon Fiber Heating Tubes

Since many people are unfamiliar with or have never used carbon fiber heating tubes, they might not fully understand this new type of heating tube. Some people may even reject these new heating tubes because they do not glow brightly when powered on. In fact, the lack of brightness is an advantage of carbon fiber heating tubes. The absence of strong, glaring light is beneficial to the user. This is a result of our long-held assumptions—we subconsciously believe that only glowing objects have high temperatures, and that the brighter they are, the higher the temperature, such as the sun or red-hot iron. However, the surface temperature of a carbon fiber heating tube can reach 500 degrees Celsius after being activated, which is sufficient for many heating applications. Examples include household ovens, industrial high and low temperature test chambers, and high-temperature ovens.

GlobalQT specializes in manufacturing high-quality quartz tubes and heaters. For more information, visit our կայք կամ կապվեք մեզ հետ


  • Casper Peng

    Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.

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