Verdrahtungsmethoden für Infrarot- und 380-V-Heizelemente

Electric heating elements only work and generate heat when powered. Many people often ask: Do infrared heating elements have positive and negative poles? Or do they differentiate between live and neutral wires? How do you connect a 220V heating element to a 380V power supply? Today, let’s briefly discuss the wiring methods for infrared heating elements.

Wiring Method for Infrared Heating Elements

Infrared heating elements are resistance-based heating elements. When connecting to direct current (DC), there is no distinction between positive and negative poles. When a heating element rated for 220V is connected to a 220V alternating current (AC), there is no need to differentiate between live and neutral wires. You can directly connect the wires, but ensure that the terminal screws are tightly secured and that the connections are properly insulated with tape.

Connecting to 380V Industrial Power

When connecting a heating element to a 380V industrial power supply, you must first confirm the voltage and the live and neutral wires. It’s essential to note the rated voltage of the heating element. If the voltage is mixed up, it can result in the heating element burning out or insufficient power.

Wiring Method for Heating Elements Rated at 380V

The wiring method for a 380V heating element is also known as the “Delta Connection.” When wiring a 380V heating element, divide the heating elements into three equal groups. Then, connect the ends of each group of heating elements in series to form three connection points. Next, connect the three-phase power supply wires to these three points and take appropriate protective measures. It’s crucial to ensure that the power and number of elements in the three groups are identical.

Wiring Method for Heating Elements Rated at 220V

The wiring method for a 220V heating element is also known as the “Star Connection.” First, divide the heating elements into three equal groups. Then, connect one end of each group to a common point, and the other end of each group to the three-phase power supply wires. Ensure that proper protective measures are taken. Again, it is critical that the power and number of elements in the three groups are the same. Otherwise, an imbalance at the center point could cause the heating element to burn out.

Key Considerations for Wiring

During the wiring process, ensure that all connections are secure. Loose connections can lead to fire hazards. If you are not a professional, it is best to hire an electrician. Let professionals handle professional tasks.

GlobalQT hat sich auf die Herstellung hochwertiger Quarzrohre und Kohlefaser-Heizelemente. For more details, visit our website oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail an


  • Peng, Casper

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