

Photovoltaic graphite boat Quarzrohr is a crucial component used in solar photovoltaic power generation. It is a tubular structure made of quartz material, internally coated with a graphite layer. This tube is primarily used in the manufacturing process of solar photovoltaic cells, specifically for the growth of polycrystalline silicon using the graphite thermal decomposition method.


In the production of solar photovoltaic cells, the photovoltaic graphite boat Quarzrohr carries the raw materials of polycrystalline silicon. Using the graphite thermal decomposition method, the raw materials are heated to high temperatures, causing them to decompose into silicon smoke and silicon vapor. These then condense inside the graphite boat quartz tube to form polycrystalline silicon. This method can produce high-quality polycrystalline silicon, which is used to manufacture solar cell sheets.

Funktionen und Vorteile

Photovoltaic graphite boat Quarzrohre possess excellent high-temperature resistance and chemical stability, allowing them to withstand the rigorous conditions of the high-temperature melting process. Additionally, the graphite coating enhances the thermal conductivity of the graphite boat, promoting uniform distribution of silicon smoke and silicon vapor, which aids in the growth of high-quality polycrystalline silicon.

Anwendungen und Bedeutung

Photovoltaic graphite boat Quarzrohre hold significant application value in the solar photovoltaic industry. They can improve the conversion efficiency and quality of solar cells, thereby advancing the development of solar photovoltaic power generation technology. With the continuous growth of the solar industry, the technology of photovoltaic graphite boat quartz tubes is also constantly being improved and innovated to meet the demands for more efficient and reliable solar cell manufacturing.

GlobalQT (Global Quartz Tube) specializes in producing high-quality photovoltaic graphite boat Quarzrohre for the solar photovoltaic industry. For more information, please visit our website oder kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail unter


  • Casper Peng

    Casper Peng ist ein erfahrener Experte in der Quarzrohrindustrie. Mit mehr als zehn Jahren Erfahrung verfügt er über ein tiefes Verständnis der verschiedenen Anwendungen von Quarzmaterialien und über fundierte Kenntnisse der Quarzverarbeitungstechniken. Caspers Fachwissen in der Konstruktion und Herstellung von Quarzrohren ermöglicht es ihm, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen der Kunden entsprechen. Mit den Fachartikeln von Casper Peng möchten wir Sie mit den neuesten Branchennachrichten und den praktischsten technischen Leitfäden versorgen, damit Sie Quarzrohrprodukte besser verstehen und nutzen können.

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