Carbon Fiber Heater Tubes for Efficient Industrial Drying Rooms

Industrial drying rooms find extensive applications across various fields such as food drying, crop drying, and plastic/metal coating drying. The total power of electric heating drying rooms ranges from as low as 100 kW to over several thousand kilowatts, making them significant electricity consumers. The cost of electricity constitutes a considerable portion of the overall paint baking costs. Poor insulation and low electricity utilization efficiency in drying rooms directly increase production costs and reduce enterprise revenue.

Industrial Drying Rooms

As market competition intensifies, business owners are becoming increasingly astute in selecting electric heating elements for drying rooms. The efficiency of heating directly impacts the amount of electricity used. If less electricity can produce more products, business owners are naturally delighted. So, what kind of heating element can achieve high efficiency and energy savings? Today, I’ll quietly tell you about one type of electric heating element: the carbon fiber heater element.

Semi-Gold-Plated Carbon Fiber Heater Element

Carbon fiber heating elements for drying rooms are designed for plastic and metal paint baking. They emit infrared and far-infrared wavelengths that align with the spectral bands absorbed by water-based paints, resulting in relatively high energy utilization efficiency. Alongside radiant heating, thermal convection occurs, aided by the carbon fiber heater’s high electric conversion rate of 98%, significantly enhancing energy efficiency in drying rooms. When complemented with a hot air circulation system, the heating effect is further optimized.

When carbon fiber is energized, intense molecular movement of carbon molecules inside generates heat through friction, accounting for its high electric conversion rate. Carbon fiber heating elements utilize carbon fiber filaments with a carbon content exceeding 95% as the heating base, emitting infrared radiation heat when vacuum-pumped or inert gas is present, thus also known as infrared carbon fiber heating tubes or infrared heating tubes. The product complies with GB/T2423.3-1993 Basic Environmental Testing Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products, including constant humidity heat tests and GB4706.1-1992 General Requirements for Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances.

Ready-to-Ship Carbon Fiber Heater Elements

The heating methods in industrial paint booths have evolved through several stages: from conventional hot air circulation to resistance wire quartz heating tubes, and finally to infrared heating tubes ili carbon fiber heating tubes. So, what are the advantages of using carbon fiber or infrared heating tubes in drying rooms?

Firstly, both types of heating tubes have much shorter startup times compared to resistance wire heating tubes, with significantly higher electricity utilization rates. But which one is better? Initial equipment investment and heating effects are comparable between the two, but tungsten wire infrared heating tubes tend to burn out over time due to their characteristics, limiting their lifespan. Carbon fiber, on the other hand, does not suffer from power degradation or filament burnout.

Here are some advantages of using carbon fiber as the heating element in industrial drying room heaters, which also serves as a way for enterprises to enhance competitiveness:

  1. Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction: Carbon fiber, approaching a pure black body material, emits minimal visible light during electric heat conversion, with a conversion rate of 95% to 98%.
  2. Strong Absorption of Far Infrared Radiation: Radiated far infrared radiation by carbon fiber is highly absorbable by human bodies, clothing, and water, minimizing heat loss during heat transfer. When drying water-based paints, water molecules absorb heat first, followed by various functional groups in organic polymers absorbing infrared heat.
  3. No Instantaneous Current Impact at Startup: Carbon fiber heater elements do not require ballasts during startup, eliminating pulse current impacts. Simplified circuit designs without soft start devices or surge protection extend the lifespan of electrical components.
  4. High Directional Heat Radiation: By modifying carbon fiber heating tubes, directional radiant heating can be achieved, enhancing design-specific heat radiation.
  5. Environmentally Friendly with No Light Pollution: Carbon fiber heating tubes emit soft or no visible light upon startup, causing no eye irritation or skin burns during use.
  6. No UV and Electromagnetic Radiation Damage: During operation, carbon fiber heating tubes emit no ultraviolet, high-frequency, microwave, or electromagnetic radiation.
  7. Strong Infrared Penetration Capability: During heating, infrared radiation can penetrate a certain thickness of paint layer, allowing the film to dry from the inside out efficiently. This reduces defects such as pores and orange peel caused by moisture or solvent evaporation, improving product gloss and reducing defect rates.

Discover how GlobalQT’s carbon fiber heater tubes optimize industrial drying efficiency. Visit our website for more details or contact us via email:


  • Casper Peng

    Casper Peng is a seasoned expert in the quartz tube industry. With over ten years of experience, he has a profound understanding of various applications of quartz materials and deep knowledge in quartz processing techniques. Casper's expertise in the design and manufacturing of quartz tubes allows him to provide customized solutions that meet unique customer needs. Through Casper Peng's professional articles, we aim to provide you with the latest industry news and the most practical technical guides to help you better understand and utilize quartz tube products.

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