I. Overview and Energy-Saving Principle of Quartz Tube Heaters
Quartz tube heaters utilize milky white quartz glass tubes that have been specially processed, combined with resistive materials as heating elements. The milky white quartz glass is capable of absorbing nearly all visible light and near-infrared light emitted from the heating wire, converting it into far-infrared radiation. Hence, milky white quartz is a highly efficient converter of far-infrared energy and exhibits excellent far-infrared radiation characteristics. Once powered, 95% of the near-infrared and visible light emitted by the heating alloy wire is blocked, absorbed by the milky quartz tube, increasing the temperature inside the tube and producing molecular vibrations of pure silica bonds, radiating far-infrared rays. This conversion makes the 95% of visible and near-infrared light transform into far-infrared radiation, where wavelengths longer than 2.5 micrometers are classified as far-infrared. Far-infrared heating refers to the heating technology that uses radiation with wavelengths between 2.5 and 25 micrometers.
II. Features of Quartz Heater Tubes
The radiation rate is stable, it remains un-deformed at high temperatures, emits no harmful radiation, does not pollute the environment, and is resistant to high temperatures and corrosion. It has good chemical stability, low thermal inertia, fast thermal response speed, and high heat conversion efficiency.
III. Technical Characteristics of Quartz Heating Tubes
- No need for a far-infrared coating, good spectral radiation matching absorption characteristics, long-term use without degradation in radiative performance, and high electric-heat conversion efficiency, saving about 30% more energy than general heating elements.
- High operating temperature with a wide selection range. The type encapsulated with a ceramic cap can withstand temperatures up to 800°C.
- Quick heating, low thermal inertia, resistance to high temperatures and corrosion, good stability in thermochemical performance, long service life, and high insulation strength.
- Pollution-free, representing a clean type of heater that meets the demands of modern production for high pace and quality, suitable for home appliances with high sanitary standards.
- The design, manufacture, and installation are all very convenient and economically safe.
IV. Application Scope of Quartz Glass Tube Heaters
Domestic scope: Used in heaters, blow heaters, bathroom heaters, far-infrared therapy devices, beauty instruments, sterilization cabinets, halogen ovens, toasters, roasters, food ovens, and other baking and far-infrared health care fields. Industrial scope: Suitable for nearly every industry requiring heating: printing and dyeing, shoe making, coating, food, electronics, pharmaceuticals, textiles, wood, paper, automotive, plastics, furniture, metal, heat treatment, packaging machinery, and more.
Global Quartz Tube is a leading provider of high-quality кварцавыя награвальныя трубкі, renowned for our advanced technology and reliable products tailored to meet diverse industrial needs. For further inquiries or to explore our full range of solutions, please visit our Вэб-сайт або звяжыцеся з намі па адрасе contact@globalquartztube.com.
Каспер Пэнг - вопытны эксперт у вытворчасці кварцавых трубак. Маючы больш чым дзесяцігадовы вопыт працы, ён валодае глыбокім разуменнем розных абласцей прымянення кварцавых матэрыялаў і глыбокімі ведамі ў галіне тэхналогій апрацоўкі кварца. Вопыт Каспера ў праектаванні і вытворчасці кварцавых трубак дазваляе яму прапаноўваць індывідуальныя рашэнні, якія адказваюць унікальным патрэбам кліентаў. З дапамогай прафесійных артыкулаў Каспера Пенга мы імкнемся пазнаёміць вас з апошнімі навінамі галіны і найбольш практычнымі тэхнічнымі кіраўніцтвамі, якія дапамогуць вам лепш разумець вырабы з кварцавых трубак і выкарыстоўваць іх.
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