Награвальныя элементы з вугляроднага валакна: Чатыры характарыстыкі сушкі лустачак традыцыйнай кітайскай медыцыны інфрачырвоным выпраменьваннем

Традыцыйная кітайская медыцына (ТКМ) гістарычна высушваліся з выкарыстаннем аднаго з найстарэйшых метадаў — сушкі на сонца, пры якой лекавыя матэрыялы паглынаюць інфрачырвоныя і далёкія інфрачырвоныя прамяні сонца, што прыводзіць да павышэння тэмпературы. Сёння я хацеў бы падзяліцца з вамі тым, як даследчыкі ў лабараторыях сумавалі характарыстыкі лустачак ТКМ пры сушцы з выкарыстаннем інфрачырвонага выпраменьвання. Калі ласка, не саромейцеся выпраўляць любыя непаразуменні.

Інфрачырвонае і далёкае інфрачырвонае выпраменьванне награвальных элементаў з Вугляроднага валакна

Once activated, the carbon fiber heater elements emit infrared and far-infrared radiation ranging from 2μm to 14μm, a spectrum that most biological materials can absorb. This range is also the part of sunlight that makes us feel warm. The heating and absorption efficiency in this spectrum is quite high. Therefore, we use a radiation source with a set spectrum to heat and dry the slices, recording and analyzing the entire process to eventually draw some conclusions.

Five Key Characteristics of Infrared Radiation Drying Using Carbon Fiber Heater Elements

Шляхам паўторнай праверкі я выявіў, што ў працэсе сушкі лустачак TCM з выкарыстаннем награвальныя элементы з вугляроднага валакна exhibits five main characteristics, which also serve as a reverse verification of our drying theory for these medicinal slices.

  1. Power Dependency: The amount of heat absorbed by the TCM slices in an infrared radiation environment is highly related to the power of the carbon fiber heater elements. The power of the heating elements influences the range of the infrared spectrum emitted. The energy absorbed by the slices from this spectrum has a specific mathematical geometric relationship with the temperature of the radiation source.
  2. Спектральнае адпаведнасць: The wavelength of infrared radiation emitted by the carbon fiber heating elements has a characteristic of spectral matching. The net energy gained by the slices has a lot to do with how well the spectrum emitted by the heat source (radiation source) matches the absorption spectrum of the slices. The higher the degree of matching, the higher the heating efficiency.
  3. Optical Principles: Infrared radiation heating follows the principles of visible light, involving reflection, refraction, and transmission phenomena. By adjusting the angle of infrared radiation to an optimal level, the transmission and reflection rates can be minimized, which means more infrared rays are absorbed by the slices, thus enhancing the utilization rate of infrared radiation.
  4. Interaction Between Infrared Rays and Slices: The effectiveness of infrared radiation heating is related to the distance and angle of radiation. The farther the distance, the slower the heating effect; the closer the distance, the higher the surface temperature of the slices, and the faster the drying rate.
  5. Area Characteristics: The area covered by the radiation source and the absorption area of the slices also determine the efficiency of infrared radiation drying.

Understanding these characteristics of infrared radiation heating, we use these five points as theoretical bases for designing equipment to dry TCM slices.

Global Quartz Tube specializes in advanced infrared drying technologies. For more information or to inquire about our products, please visit our Вэб-сайт або звяжыцеся з намі па электроннай пошце па адрасе contact@globalquartztube.com.


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