Трубкі з плаўленага кварца

Characteristics of Fused Quartz Tubes

  1. Extremely Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient: This results in exceptional thermal shock stability. They can withstand high temperatures without deforming, enduring drastic temperature changes up to 1100°C, even in oxidizing environments.
  2. Excellent Corrosion Resistance: The surface of the product is highly durable.
  3. High Purity of Chemical Composition: This ensures that the composition and surface quality of products in contact with these tubes remain uncontaminated.
  4. Superb Ceramic Physical Properties: Ensures stable performance at both environmental and high working temperatures with minimal dimensional errors and excellent surface quality. Each tube has a stable axle head, is numbered, and comes with a quality inspection report, providing traceability.

Fused Quartz Ceramic Roller Rods

  • Extremely Low Thermal Expansion Coefficient and Strong Thermal Shock Stability: High temperature deformation resistance.
  • High Purity of Raw Materials and Excellent Chemical and Physical Properties.
  • Precision Manufacturing Processes: Ensures precise dimensional accuracy.
  • Reliable Axle Head Connection Technology.

Colored Quartz Tubes

Black Quartz Tubes

Black quartz tubes are made from high-purity quartz sand obtained from premium natural quartz stones. They possess all the excellent properties of quartz tubes, such as high-temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. Their peak wavelength at 365nm filters out red, yellow, and blue light, making them key materials for metal detector lamps, anti-counterfeiting lamps, and stage lighting.

Red Quartz Tubes

Red quartz tubes contain several trace elements that block all ultraviolet and some visible light while efficiently utilizing infrared light. They feature infrared radiation, rapid heating, soft luminescence, and are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. They are widely used in the field of electric light sources.

Жоўтыя Кварцавыя Трубкі

Yellow quartz tubes completely filter out all ultraviolet rays from invisible light, avoiding color centers and photodistortion in working substances. They also reduce corrosion on silver reflective layers and significantly improve the efficiency of lasers.

Grey Quartz Tubes

Grey quartz tubes are made from high-purity quartz sand. Through the melting and cooling process, they are finally formed and can be customized according to customer requirements in terms of diameter, wall thickness, and tube length. Besides all the properties of quartz tubes such as high-temperature resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, and excellent optical properties, grey quartz tubes also have unique functionalities.

Global Кварцавая Трубка is a leading manufacturer specializing in high-quality quartz products tailored to meet the demands of various industries worldwide. For more information or to make inquiries, please visit our Вэб-сайт або звяжыцеся з намі па электроннай пошце па адрасе contact@globalquartztube.com.


  • Casper Peng

    Каспер Пэнг - вопытны эксперт у вытворчасці кварцавых трубак. Маючы больш чым дзесяцігадовы вопыт працы, ён валодае глыбокім разуменнем розных абласцей прымянення кварцавых матэрыялаў і глыбокімі ведамі ў галіне тэхналогій апрацоўкі кварца. Вопыт Каспера ў праектаванні і вытворчасці кварцавых трубак дазваляе яму прапаноўваць індывідуальныя рашэнні, якія адказваюць унікальным патрэбам кліентаў. З дапамогай прафесійных артыкулаў Каспера Пенга мы імкнемся пазнаёміць вас з апошнімі навінамі галіны і найбольш практычнымі тэхнічнымі кіраўніцтвамі, якія дапамогуць вам лепш разумець вырабы з кварцавых трубак і выкарыстоўваць іх.

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